Shane Bostick Shane Bostick

Traditional Building Techniques of New Mexico

New Mexico's architectural legacy unveils a captivating tapestry of traditional building techniques that reflect the region's rich cultural heritage. From adobe constructions, renowned for their natural insulation, to the craftsmanship of vigas and latillas, each element tells a unique story of New Mexico's history. The fusion of Spanish Colonial and Native American influences, showcased in the Territorial style, brings forth a harmonious blend of elegance and rustic charm. Delving deeper into the sacred kivas, we uncover the spiritual significance of these subterranean spaces in Puebloan culture. Preserving these time-honored techniques not only safeguards the state's architectural heritage but also sustains its timeless allure for generations to come. Join us on a journey to unravel the traditional building techniques of New Mexico, where artistry meets reverence for the earth and cosmos.

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